It’s 2018 and the zero waste movement is coming. From branding consultants to packaging designers, from food brands to retailers, keeping up with the new consumer demand for less single use packaging will be a big part of business.

And it’s not just for the eco-conscious or “dippy hippies”—it’s now mainstream, with the books, blogs, podcasts and Instagram hashtags to prove it. Instead of just 3 R’s, zero wasters strive for 5: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle and rot. From BYO jars and returnable or refillable packaging, from compostable toothbrushes to sustainable smartphone cases, from reusable bags, hankies and make-up pads to resealable jars and metal containers.

A zero waste mentality looks at not just a product and its lifecycle, but the packaging it arrives in. While retailers and brands may panic about zero waste, there is opportunity. Regardless of the amount of stuff we’ve already hoarded, humans can’t live without consuming. Even zero wasters and environmentalists are not immune. But they will deliberately choose—even evangelize—products that hit the right notes in regards to sustainability. And people are listening.

Read more in our blog or check out the images below.